Our Church

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  1. WORSHIP: we must continue to develop creative ways to praise and worship. Worship is a reflection of our relationship with God.
  1. WORD: core values, methods and principles should be taught as guidelines for decision making and evaluating life with emphasis on present day reformation truth.
  1. FELLOWSHIP: we seek to provide a loving, caring, supportive environment through relationship.
  1. TRAINING: to equip the saints, to be a training centre, activating the saints in the work of the ministry. Every disciple is a minister for the purpose of producing ministry teams. Team members are to turn every disciple into a minister.
  1. SENDING: to send forth labourers into the harvest fields, starting with Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth. Soul winning – reaching out to the lost.
  1. PASTORAL CARE: encouraging, leading, praying and giving counsel and advice. Building relationships and caring for people.

Grace: the place of divine favour, ability, power and resource.

Outreach: is an apostolic community that possesses the mentality of being sent ones to influence the nations through strategic partnership and to invade the nations for the purpose of extending the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus.

Ministries: the understanding of corporate giftedness, plurality of leaders, all saints activated and released into their ministry gifting in the local church.


First and foremost, this ministry belongs to God!

  1. God is the giver of the vision. The leader, leadership and people are the custodians of the vision.
  2. The Set Man and Elders ensures the implementation and fulfillment of the vision.